Code of

Ethics and integrity are essential attributes that we must demand from everyone who is part of GTFoods.

Information Security

Software, hardware, communicators, telephony equipment and other IT resources are assets provided to employees for the efficient performance of their duties.

The following are expressly prohibited: exchange, recovery, storage or use of obscene, pornographic, violent, discriminatory, racist, defamatory content, which disrespects any individual or entity, which is contrary to the Company’s policies and interests. Games are also not allowed.

Users in general should not expect privacy when using these systems and resources. For this reason, GTFoods may, at its discretion, use and monitor any information transmitted or residing in these channels. This rule encompasses information written or stored in electronic systems and any other associated means, information technically developed, acquired by associations, or any information acquired, licensed, purchased or entrusted to the Company.

All files and information pertaining to our professional activities that are created, received or stored in electronic systems are the property of the Company and constitute commercial and legal assets.

Thus, in the event of a transfer or dismissal of an employee, this information kept by him/her must be forwarded to their immediate superiors for safekeeping or disposal. The password for accessing the systems is for exclusive, personal and non-transferable use, and its granting to third parties is not permitted, even to co-workers (subject to sanctions or penalties described in the Company’s information technology policies). No software or programs may be copied or installed on the Company’s computers without the prior authorization of the Information Technology area.

© 2022 GTFoods. All rights reserved.


Risk of Fraudulent Contracts by Scammers!

GTFoods РGon̤alves and Tortola SA warns chicken meat importers from all over the world that scammers are trying to make sales through fake contracts using the name of our company, employees and owners improperly.

Be attentive of below procedures:

  • We don’t send emails with offers to new customers;
  • Check the email domain: ours is
  • Any variation of words in the email domains is an ATTEMPT OF FRAUD;
  • Be aware that we practice market price, so any price that seems too good to be true, is an ATTEMPT OF FRAUD;
  • We never send personal documents to any of our customers, like passports or any ID.
  • Our official website is;
  • If you receive an email or link to a website offering GTFoods products, call us before closing any deal: + 55 44 3218 3500

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