Ethics and integrity are essential attributes that we must demand from everyone who is part of GTFoods.
Should a conflict of interest occur, the commitment to the Company’s business must always prevail, to the detriment of any personal interest. We advise everyone that, should they have questions on whether a given conduct, action or omission opposes the interests of the Company, they must contact the manager of the corresponding area.
Professional activities must not be influenced by personal interests, given the ethical commitment we have with the Company. The concept of “personal interest” encompasses any moral or material advantage in our favor or for the benefit of relatives, third parties, friends or people with whom we have commercial, personal or political relationships.
The relationship with suppliers is generally conducted in order to serve the Company’s interests. All contracts with suppliers must be carried out impartially, considering technical, professional and ethical criteria, in accordance with GTFoods’ internal policy. The work of developing and selecting suppliers, service providers and integrated partners must be carried out independently and impartially.
GTFoods recognizes and supports the fact that its suppliers, consultants, contractors, distributors and other intermediaries have their own codes of ethics and conduct. While we cannot control the behavior of third parties, we do not tolerate actions that are illegal, immoral or contrary to this Code.
Therefore, all suppliers, consultants, distributors, contractors and related companies with which GTFoods maintains a relationship must be aware of the existence of the Company’s Code and be willing to comply with all the guidelines contained therein.
Participation in transactions or acquisitions of products or services from third parties that have a direct or indirect commercial connection with GTFoods, which include friends, relatives or former employees, must be formally communicated to the Internal Audit Department, which will analyze the case individually and will submit the issue to the approval of the Board of Directors. In case of approval, a conflict letter will be issued, where the transaction carried out with this supplier will be included in the continuous audit monitoring system.
The donation of resources or material goods must be made on behalf of GTFoods without any direct link with the employee and subject to prior approval by the Company’s Executive Board. Donations and gifts should not be seen as a personal benefit and, therefore, their offer or receipt should be treated with caution, and should only be accepted or offered after approval by the hierarchical superior, always respecting the limits contained in GTFoods’ policies, rules and procedures and applicable laws.
Our employees and administrators may not accept or request gifts, rewards, favors or invitations, as well as other advantages for ourselves or any other person, from individuals or legal entities with whom we have commercial relations (or prospective relations) that affect or appear to influence our activities.
Parties and gatherings organized by the Company do not fall into this category. Each employee must inform suppliers and related companies about this policy.
There will be no tolerance for acts of liberality at the expense of the Company, the offer or receipt of any direct or indirect personal advantage, due to position or hierarchy; including luncheons and dinner outings, concert tickets, travels, etc. In short, advantages that may interfere with activities and processes with third parties cannot be accepted.
Airplane tickets and courtesies, offered by suppliers, service providers or customers, for visits and/or participation in technical events can only be accepted if formally approved by the Board of Directors.
Objects received as an award that represent distinction or a homage to the Company must be forwarded to the Marketing department.
GTFoods – Gonçalves and Tortola SA warns chicken meat importers from all over the world that scammers are trying to make sales through fake contracts using the name of our company, employees and owners improperly.
Be attentive of below procedures: