Ethics and integrity are essential attributes that we must demand from everyone who is part of GTFoods.
Gonçalves & Tortola S.A. and its controlled companies, affiliates and subsidiaries (“GTFoods” or “Company”) conduct their activities in strict compliance with the applicable legislation. This Code of Ethics and Conduct (“Code”) contains the main ethical guidelines to be employed when conducting the Company’s business. It is applicable to all employees and related parties of GTFoods and we expect all those involved to act in accordance with the text and principles of this Code. The Company encourages open and transparent dialogue to clarify any issues, so before deciding whether a conduct is appropriate, check:
If the answer is yes to any of the above questions, the behavior or activity in question is inappropriate.
Despite the Company’s best efforts, the Code may not cover every circumstance or dilemma that we may face each day. Therefore, should there be any questions, always contact your line manager or the Company’s Ethics Committee.
Failure to comply with this Code may result in the enforcement of the penalties established in current legislation and in the Company’s internal regulations, and may even lead to the termination of the employment agreement.
GTFoods – Gonçalves and Tortola SA warns chicken meat importers from all over the world that scammers are trying to make sales through fake contracts using the name of our company, employees and owners improperly.
Be attentive of below procedures: