Our Environmental Policy
Ensuring environmental conservation, working to prevent and reduce pollution by optimizing the use of natural resources.
The growing concern with the availability of natural resources, climate change, energy efficiency and other environmental issues instruct the guidelines of GTFoods’ Environmental Policy.
Our Policy aims to ensure environmental conservation, acting in the prevention and reduction of pollution with the optimization of the use of natural resources promoting sustainable development, contemplating the qualification and valuing of employees through environmental education actions, results through the environmental control and management of processes, products and services with a focus on continuous improvement.
The guidelines are applied to all employees and company units, as well as to third parties, service providers, suppliers and public agents.

Environmental Management
GTFoods has a corporate Environment management body that reports directly to the Supply Chain board and a multidisciplinary team that monitors environmental guidelines in all company activities, with emphasis on:
Environmental licensing of units
Solid waste disposal
Negotiations with the competent environmental agencies
Monitoring of indicators related to effluent treatment
Atmospheric emission monitoring

Solid Waste Management
For all destined waste, the waste transport manifest (MTR) is issued in compliance with current legislation.
GTFoods seeks to minimize the waste generated in its production processes in order to optimize the use of natural resources. In addition, it disposes of these residues in an environmentally correct manner, performing their segregation and staging for later destination to companies duly licensed by the competent environmental agencies.
Water and Effluent Treatment
95% organic load removed from effluents
In order to guarantee the quality of its products, GTFoods observes current manufacturing standards and collects surface and underground water, performing the treatment of these waters, in a volume equivalent to that of a city of 114,000 inhabitants/day, in its Water Treatment Stations (ETA) and Wells.
What is the volume of effluents treated?
Before being returned to nature, the effluents undergo physical-chemical treatments with floaters and biological treatment with anaerobic, aerated and final polishing ponds. The set of these treatments allows for the removal of over 95% of the organic load from the effluent. In order to monitor this efficiency, periodic analyses are carried out with internal teams and external partners.
Some units also have an anaerobic biodigester system that, in addition to removing organic load, allows for the production of biogas that is used in boilers to generate steam and clean energy. The sludge generated by the physical-chemical treatment is also destined to the production of biogas. The residual oil generated in this stage generates revenue for the company.
Greenhouse Gas Inventory
It allows the elaboration and establishment of GHG emission reduction targets, minimizing impacts on climate change.
Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Inventory
The GTFoods Group’s greenhouse gas (GHG) inventory, base year 2023, was drawn up in accordance with the specifications of the Brazilian GHG Protocol Program (The Greenhouse Gas Protocol), which is based on the quantification of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). It is also compatible with the principles of the international standard ISO 14064:2018

Sustainability Report
Our objective is to contribute to sustainable development
by identifying external impacts on the economy, environment and society.
Our objective is to contribute to sustainable development by identifying external impacts on the economy, environment and society.

GTFoods affirms its commitment to ESG principles and, as part of our transparent and sustainable management, we invite you to access our second Sustainability Report, for the year 2022, in accordance with the GRI (Global Reporting Initiative) guidelines.