GTFoods in Numbers
largest market share in
the poultry market in
largest producers of
of chicken meat in
10 K
TOP 10
exporters of chicken
meat in Brazil
Able to export to
100 countries
Source: *Nielsen Scantrack Activation | T. Brasil AS + C&C | **ABPA: Brazilian Association of Animal Protein.
Progress and Development
A history notable for the entrepreneurship of its founders, who believed in an ideal and dedicated their lives to putting it into practice each day.
National and Global
Our commitment to safety and quality in food production allows us to be present in the largest supermarket and wholesale chains throughout Brazil and certifies us to export to over 100 countries, especially Asian and European nations and the Arab Emirates.
Get to Know Our Units
Indianópolis Unit – PR
Paraíso do Norte Unit – PR
Terra Boa Unit – PR
Paranavaí Unit – PR
Headquarters Maringá – PR
Health and safety
We promote integrated and participatory management of Health, Safety, and the Environment, in addition to sustainability in its broadest sense.
GTFoods and Hospital do Câncer de Maringá
Among various actions in the quest of Sustainable Development, the project “GTFoods and Hospital do Câncer de Maringá” stands out, having included the renovation of 20 hospital beds through the engagement of the company and its employees.
Distribution of native trees
Project through which employees receive seedlings and planting instructions from technicians from Instituto Água e Terra do Paraná (IAT).
Certifications and Qualifications
IFS Global Markets
Fambras Halal
EU Approved
China Approved
SIF 4166
SIF 1860
SIF 1880
SIF 3773
SIF 4198