
To be a reference in product quality, generating jobs and value for people and society, transforming the local reality with sustainability and commitment to health, safety and the environment.


To be among the 3 largest (production and commercialization of fresh poultry) and best (profitability and quality) companies in the poultry sector in Brazil by 2030, with strong international operations and diversification in the food market.


We like challenges

We are motivated by challenges and the desire to grow and conquer new opportunities.

People make the difference

We believe that motivated, well-trained people who enjoy what they do make a difference in our business.

Focus on results

We seek to be agile, efficient and flexible in everything we do. We are committed with our business results, so our actions and efforts are directed towards achieving the organization's goals.

We do things differently

We believe that, in order to grow and be better, we have to do things differently. We seek opportunities and have a bold attitude.


We value excellence in the quality of our products and services, always bringing advantages to our customers.

Health and safety

We value the well-being of our employees and act responsibly in terms of health and safety.


We feel that the company is an integral part of each employee, so the success of the business is our own personal success as well.


We act with honesty, respect towards the environment and transparency in all our attitudes, and as such our relationships are based on mutual trust.

We dream big

We are dedicated and we seek to fulfill our dreams through effort, hard work and the results we have achieved.

Our History

In 1992, the businessmen José Borges, Rogério Gonçalves and Ciliomar Tortola gave life to a dream that years later would be known as GTFoods. Within three decades and after several cycles of growth and modernization, the company left the small town of Indianópolis in Paraná and conquered Brazil and the world. Today, GTFoods is among the largest market share companies in its segment in the country.


Start of chicken sales
Ciliomar Tortola and Rogério Gonçalves, founders and current partners of the company, started a poultry slaughter and chicken commercialization operation in the State of Paraná
Verticalization of operations and exports
Start of the process of verticalizing the chicken production chain operations and opening the foreign market with the start of Exports.
New Operating Units
Acquisitions of slaughtering units in Paranavaí, Paraíso do Norte and Terra Boa.
New Business
Business diversification with the acquisition of Companhia Lorenz.
Acquisitions and Openings
Significant increase in the market share of starches and cassava byproducts with the acquisition of CIA CM3 in Paranavaí and the opening of Brasil Embalagens.
Stock Market
The year represents the opening of business to the Stock Markets.

After so much history, gratitude is the word that sums up how we feel. We are proud of contributing as a transforming agent for society and the economy in the regions where we operate.

As such, we remain steadfast in our commitment to bringing healthy, safe and nutritious food to all.

Proud to be GTFoods

Certifications and Qualifications

Certificação IFS Global Markets

IFS Global Markets


Fambras Halal

EU Approved

China Approved

SIF 4166

SIF 1860

SIF 1880

SIF 3773

SIF 4198

© 2022 GTFoods. All rights reserved.


Risk of Fraudulent Contracts by Scammers!

GTFoods РGon̤alves and Tortola SA warns chicken meat importers from all over the world that scammers are trying to make sales through fake contracts using the name of our company, employees and owners improperly.

Be attentive of below procedures:

  • We don’t send emails with offers to new customers;
  • Check the email domain: ours is @gtfoods.com.br
  • Any variation of words in the email domains is an ATTEMPT OF FRAUD;
  • Be aware that we practice market price, so any price that seems too good to be true, is an ATTEMPT OF FRAUD;
  • We never send personal documents to any of our customers, like passports or any ID.
  • Our official website is www.gtfoods.com.br;
  • If you receive an email or link to a website offering GTFoods products, call us before closing any deal: + 55 44 3218 3500

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