
© 2022 GTFoods. All rights reserved.


Risk of Fraudulent Contracts by Scammers!

GTFoods РGon̤alves and Tortola SA warns chicken meat importers from all over the world that scammers are trying to make sales through fake contracts using the name of our company, employees and owners improperly.

Be attentive of below procedures:

  • We don’t send emails with offers to new customers;
  • Check the email domain: ours is @gtfoods.com.br
  • Any variation of words in the email domains is an ATTEMPT OF FRAUD;
  • Be aware that we practice market price, so any price that seems too good to be true, is an ATTEMPT OF FRAUD;
  • We never send personal documents to any of our customers, like passports or any ID.
  • Our official website is www.gtfoods.com.br;
  • If you receive an email or link to a website offering GTFoods products, call us before closing any deal: + 55 44 3218 3500

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